Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A real victory. It is possible

Anorexia/Bulimia can be beaten!
I am really feeling exited today!
Yesterday, like every Wednesday was weighing day, and although I am not allowed to know any numbers, I am at least allowed to know whether my weight went up or down. Well, yesterday I didn’t want to know any details about the result at all. This was not because of fear, but rather in an attempt to take away any hold which the voice of a/b has over me. I understand that the voice of a/b operates through deception (See previous journal entries). So, to recap, what is a deception? It simply is a fact laced with a lie. So, How does the voice of a/b use this? If my weight went up, it would say that I am becoming a worse person and if it went down it would say that I am becoming a better person.
So I decided not to even give a/b the chance to deceive me. I suppose this is a great victory in my struggle with this eating disorder. I am curios though, however, curiosity killed the cat; as they say.
I feel stronger every time I win a battle against a/b. I am getting stronger every day and I now truly believe that Anorexia/Bulimia can be beaten!
Never stop looking for the deception. Never stop fighting, never give up! A/B will not! One of us must die and it’s NOT going to be me!!
As i always say, there is always hope!
 i will live to tell the tale of how i beat anorexia/bulimia and so can anybody suffering under its rule!

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